don't forget to
pamper yourself
scalp care is
hair care

A Head spa effectively promotes the health of your scalp and hair, which in turn provides numerous benefits such as:
Deeper quality sleep
Balances PH of scalp
Promotes hair growth
Relieves stress
Reduce headache migraine
Exfoliates dry scalp
Removes oil and build up
They are more than just a beauty treatment; it's a comprehensive therapy that combines elements of massage, aromatherapy, and skincare to provide a wonderful, relaxing experience. It also gives nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles, and promotes a healthy scalp.
The treatment system we use is based completely around removing hard water as well as other complex compounds from the scalp.
L-ascorbic acid, the most potent and pure form of vitamin C, works alongside powerful chelators for the deepest removal of oxidized minerals, medications, and chemicals from the hair and scalp. This antioxidant-rich formula also includes zinc to soothe and condition the scalp, and bentonite clay to absorb and remove buildup. I highly recommend following up with the take home system for Hard Water by Malibu C the professional line we use.
Removes surface mineral buildup (remedy)
Eliminates calcium and magnesium buildup which may irritate scalp (remedy)
Eliminates discoloration
Protects against future mineral deposits
Safe enough for daily use
Ultra-hydrating for dry, damaged hair

relax renew revive
the mind the body the soul

the best day of my life
This evening was my first time at Mane tHAIRapy head spa and it won't be my last. This screams self care. It was one of the most relaxing and calming experiences. The vibe in the room, the spa treatment and the energy is just too good not to share and rave about. Nastassia was such a gem and I look forward to being back to see her again soon. This is amazing THAIRAPY. Still floating...

Ashley N.
Make time for yourself

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